Dealing with Cat Aggression


We never want our cats to fight. We want them to be playing and giving each other baths.

So, what can we do when our cats aren’t exactly getting along?

Here are some tips on how to help your pets live happily together…

Consider a Visit to the Vet

There are many things that can contribute to a tense relationship between cats, such as environmental changes (e.g., recent vet visits, renovation, moving), boredom or even competition over toys, food or the best snoozing spot.  But often a visit or phone consultation with your vet may help eliminate any underlying medical issues that could be at play. Spaying or neutering can dramatically reduce a host of behavioural and medical conditions. Your vet can also run tests to rule out any other chronic conditions that may be leading to aggressive behaviour.


Think of enrichment as providing your cat with an outlet to be themselves.  They can channel their energies through exercise and play, which can turn, can lead to a range of more desirable behaviours.

Examples of feline home enrichment include:

  • Hiding opportunities: gives the “victim” cat a safe place to go when things get tense.
  • Climbing opportunities: like hiding spots, these provide cats with an escape. They can also provide active cats more opportunities to expend their energy.
  • Toys and feeding puzzles: these can keep active cats engaged, keeping them from pursuing other cats in the home out of boredom.

Provide Enough Resources and Space

Sometimes, the source of aggression is competition for valuable resources (resting spots, litter boxes, food bowls). Introducing multiples of each resource can help eliminate the need for your cats to guard them.  It is also important to place these items in separate parts of the home. For example, if one cat is guarding a litter box and not letting another cat use it, putting a second litter box next to the first will not solve this problem. Instead, add a second litter box in another part of the home.

When the Aggression Starts

Stay calm and very gently block the aggressor cat from their intended target with a thick blanket. Then usher them into a quiet, dark room where they can calm down. Do not punish the behaviour! This will make the situation worse, both in the short and long term.


For more information and tips on having a happy cat home, CLICK HERE




Working Together to Save Lives


There are many ways in which your support of the RHS helps animals.  From our Subsidized Spay/Neuter Program to our Education and Outreach initiatives, animals are living healthier and happier lives thanks to you.

One of the higher-profile and core RHS programs is Adoptions.  Each year, close to 2,000 animals find new homes through the Society – that’s 5 to 6 animals each day!  Our adoption efforts are supported by a team of adoption counselors who work with adopters to find the perfect pet, as well as six pet retailers who act as satellite adoption centres to help even more of our pets go home.

In recent years, the RHS has also developed partnerships with other Humane Societies, SPCA’s and rescues to help find homes for pets who are struggling to find the right home or to move them to areas where there is higher demand.  Over the past two years, for example, the RHS has transferred 200 felines to rescues and humane societies as far away as Vancouver Island, where there is high demand, but a shortage of available cats, in contrast to Regina where there is an abundance of homeless felines.

January 28th was a big day at the Shelter! After successfully finding homes for 35 canines already that month, the Society had available space in its canine area, and through one of our partner agencies, arranged for the transfer of 14 dogs and puppies into our care.  Each had been waiting for some time to be adopted and all were not able to find a new home in their current environment.  Each pet was health-checked by RHS Veterinarians and once cleared, was placed for adoption.  We were thrilled when several of these cuties were adopted within hours of being made available, with most going home over course of the following days.

These happy-ever-afters are only possible for these deserving pets because of you.  Thank you for helping to make them happen!

Here are some pics of the big arrival!


7 Tips to Keep Your Pet Safe in Cold Weather


We have certainly seen a number of extremely cold weather days this winter, and many people ask us about how best to keep pets safe during these times.

Just like us, our pets are susceptible to cold and the effects of wind.  While some breeds of dogs, such as huskies and pyrenes, are more suited to colder temperatures, shorter-haired breeds, older dogs and young puppies can be affected more quickly by the cold.

Here are 7 tips to keep your pet safe this winter:

  1. Always supervise your pet when outside. Watch for signs they are uncomfortable such as raising paws off the ground.
  2. You can still take your dog for a walk, but perhaps shorten your walk time or shorten your route so you are not too far from home should your pet become uncomfortable.  You can still cover a lot of ground going in circles!
  3. Always have your pet on a leash when outside of your yard. Besides being the law in Regina, having your dog leashed will avoid your dog from becoming separated from you in blowing snow or hidden from view behind snowbanks.  Dogs can also lose their scent in snow and have difficulty finding you or their way home on their own.
  4. Frostbite is a serious hazard for your dog. Signs of frostbite include swollen or hardened feet, ears, tail tips or lips. Fur over frost-bitten areas may turn white, and the skin underneath may appear red, black or blue.  If you observe any of these conditions, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.
  5. Avoid areas that have been treated with salt or ice-melter as this can stick to a dog’s footpads. Be sure to rinse your pet’s paws when you get home to prevent irritation or licking the chemicals from their paws.
  6. Groom your dog regularly – a properly maintained coat will maximize the natural insulation capabilities of their fur. Be sure to trim excess hair around toes and foot pads to ease snow removal and cleaning.
  7. Always keep your cat indoors during the winter. Felines can become lost, injured or be killed by chemicals, the cold or other animals.

Don’t forget hypothermia!

Frostbite is not the only cold-related injury that is a threat to your pet. Hypothermia occurs when a pet cannot maintain their core body temperature at normal levels.  Blood flows to the important organs in the chest and abdomen and results in decreased circulation to the legs, tail, and head. Dogs and cats may stumble and shiver in mild cases.  As hypothermia becomes severe, animals may have grey or white gums, appear very stiff, and eventually become comatose. Hypothermia can be fatal without emergency medical help.

Should you have any concerns about your pet and taking them outside, always consult your family veterinarian before heading outside.

Regina Humane Society Receives Property Tax Exemption


The Regina Humane Society would like to acknowledge that it received a property tax exemption for the 2022 tax year, for the site of the its planned new facility at 4900 Parliament Avenue, Regina.  The Society qualified for the exemption under the City of Regina’s Community Non-Profit Tax Exemption Bylaw.

The exemption allows the Society to direct its resources fully to programs and services that will benefit the community.

Katniss’s Road to Recovery


When RHS Animal Protection Officers were flagged down one November morning, they had no idea what they were about to encounter.

A person had found a young cat, only about a year old, in terrible distress. One of her legs appeared badly wounded and the paw was dreadfully deformed. Upon closer examination, an elastic hairband was found wrapped around the leg so tightly that it had become embedded in her flesh and caused irreparable damage to the leg and grotesque swelling of the paw. We don’t know how long this beautiful and precious soul had been suffering, but it was clearly for some time. The pain and agony she endured are unthinkable.

RHS staff named her Katniss Everdeen after the Hunger Games character – a testament to her soft soul and spirited resilience in the face of such adversity.

Sadly, there was simply no way to save the leg and the RHS veterinary team proceeded with an emergency amputation to relieve her suffering and place her on a path to recovery. She is now healing and hopes are high that she will be able to find a new home soon.

How the hairband got there, we don’t know. What we do know is your support of the RHS ensured we were there for Katniss, just as we will be for the next animal who desperately needs help.


    Removing the elastic                           The elastic is finally off!


                           Post-surgery                                   RHS staff member offers
                                                                                          some comfort



October 14, 2021 – What a Spay (and Neuter) Day!


It was a busy day that saw our amazing Veterinary Team spay and neuter 20 cats in one day!

Here are some views of the team in action!



 Prepping surgical instruments the night before.           Karyn has the paper work ready to go



            Awaiting transport to surgery                    Each pet is transferred from its kennel to the

                                                                                                     veterinary clinic



             Dr. Chow preps for surgery                           Implanting an identification microchip



.    Each pet receives an RHS ear tattoo                       Preparing the next patient



             One of the 20 surgeries                                 Nine patients await their turn


              Our smallest and largest patients

Cats Love to Scratch! Here’s How to Provide a Happy Place for Them to Do It


Last month, the RHS was happy to learn that the Saskatchewan Veterinary Medical Association banned onychectomy surgeries for cats, commonly known as declawing, in our province.  The process involves the partial amputation of each digit of a paw, is painful for the cat and may cause long-term physical and behavioural side effects.  This practice was usually requested to avoid unwanted scratching in the home as a matter of convenience.

Scratching is a natural behaviour for cats to remove worn outer claws and expose new, sharper claws, reduce stress, mark territory and exercise.  Important to your cat’s health and well-being, the best approach is not to stop your cat from scratching, but instead to teach them where and what to scratch by providing appropriate, cat-attractive surfaces to scratch, such as scratching posts. By following these steps you can reduce and even eliminate unwanted scratching in your home – naturally!

  • Provide a variety of scratching posts with different surfaces such as cardboard, carpeting, wood, sisal or upholstery. Some cats prefer horizontal posts. Others like vertical posts or slanted posts. Once you know your cat’s preference, provide additional posts like it in various locations. Determine the perfect location for the scratching post by assessing your cat’s current favorite places to scratch. For example, if your cat enjoys scratching a specific couch, place the scratching post right next to that couch. If your cat enjoys scratching the molding of a certain doorway, place the scratching post directly next to that doorway.  If their preferred scratching location is not ideal, the scratching post can be moved gradually over time to a more appropriate location.
  • Encourage your cat to investigate posts by scenting them with catnip, hanging toys on them and placing them in areas where they’re inclined to climb on them.
  • Discourage inappropriate scratching by removing or covering desirable objects making the wrong place to scratch less desirable. Put plastic, double-sided sticky tape or sandpaper on furniture or floor where your cat would scratch. Place scratching posts next to these objects, as “legal” alternatives. Over time, the double-sided tape can be removed as your cat is encouraged to use the appropriate location to scratch instead.
  • Trim your cat’s nails (the white part of the nail, not the pink!) regularly or consider using nail caps.
  • Nail caps are rubber caps attached onto your cat’s claws with adhesive.  They’re temporary, lasting four to six weeks. There are several brands of nail caps available for cats. These temporary nail caps still allow your cat to extend and retract her claws while protecting other surfaces from damage. Nail caps are fairly easy to apply and can be done by pet owners at home. The caps come in clear or a variety of colors, so you can decide what is the best option for your cat. Clear caps are less visible while colored caps make it easy to spot if one falls off.
  • Whenever you see your cat using the scratcher, reward this behaviour with a treat, praise, or petting.  Again, this helps your cat associate the scratchers with positive, happy feelings.
  • Don’t punish your cat for mistakes. Punishing your cat for scratching may scare your cat and damage your bond. Instead, focus on rewarding their good behaviours.

With a little patience and perseverance, scratching can continue to be a happy and healthy experience for both you and your cat!



Thanksgiving Foods That are Harmful to Your Pet


In just a couple of weeks, we will be gathering for Thanksgiving with family and friends.  With the excitement of seeing loved ones for perhaps the first time in a long time, the warm scent of the feast cooking and giving thanks for all we have, it’s important to not forget our furry family members to ensure their Thanksgiving weekend is happy too.  Rover and Kitty may be close by in the kitchen hoping for a few handouts, but there are some Thanksgiving table items that can be harmful to our pets.

Here are the top four:

Onions and garlic: These vegetables are common in Thanksgiving casseroles, stuffing, mashed potatoes and many other items, and can be toxic to pets. They belong to the Allium family and can cause damage to the red blood cells in cats and dogs.  If your pet ingests a large amount of garlic or onions, contact your veterinarian right away.

Animal bones: Cooked animal bones tend to splinter easily, so there is a risk of choking and damage to the esophagus and obstruction or perforation of the digestive tract should your pet eat them.  Poultry bones can be particularly nasty. If they do eat some of these bones, monitor for loss of appetite, vomiting and lethargy.  Contact your veterinarian immediately should any of these signs occur.

Bouillon concentrates and cubes: Many people use bouillon cubes when making stocks and gravy.  Bouillon cubes and concentrates contain a very high amount of sodium and ingestion of these products may cause electrolyte imbalance in pets. Watch for gastrointestinal upset, excessive drinking of water, lack of balance or coordination, tremors and seizures if your pet has eaten bullion.  If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately. If untreated, pets can develop a build-up of fluid around the brain, which can be fatal.

Baked goods:  Pumpkin and apple pie are classics at this time of year.  While the pumpkin and apples are generally not an issue in moderation, large amounts of sugar and spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg can lead to problems if ingested by your pet. Raisins can cause severe kidney damage and even failure even if ingested in small quantities.  Baked goods made with xylitol can cause hypoglycemia and liver failure.

Foods that will not harm your dog include, in moderation, cooked turkey, carrots, green beans, celery, zucchini and raw sweet potato!

Thanksgiving would be a great time to get your pet a few of their favourite treats or toys to keep them occupied during meal preparation and the feast itself!

Bobcat Lost His Mom, But Gained a Friend – You!

No one knows how long Bobcat had been alone before being found in an attic. Beside him, his mother’s lifeless body lay. He was starving, dehydrated, his ears were infested with mites, he was missing most of his tail and his eyes were terribly swollen and red. He was dangerously underweight and the effects of the blazing summer heat on his tiny body were taking their toll. At only five weeks of age, time was running out for this little one.

But, that day Bobcat had a hero looking out for him…you. Because of your support of the RHS, our team was ready and sprung into action the moment he came into our care. Our staff cleaned him up, tended to his eyes and ears and encouraged him to eat and drink. Just an hour later, he began to show signs of improvement, as food and water nourished his withered body and caring hands reassured him.

As the days passed, our Veterinary staff became cautiously optimistic that he would pull through, and Bobcat was placed in foster with one of our experienced staff members to keep a watchful eye on our tiny patient. He continued to fight and improve thanks to his care and treatments.  Gradually, his eyes cleared and the pain from the ear mites subsided.  By the time he was 8 weeks old, one would never know how tragically close he was to only knowing pain and suffering, and never the love of a family and home.

We know that if he could talk, he would thank you for supporting the RHS so could receive the care that surely saved his young life.  We would agree.  Thank you for being there for Bobcat when he needed a life-saving friend the most.

His first meal in some time!

In foster, feeling better!

Healed and headed home!

RHS Executive Director Reaches 30 year Milestone


Regina Humane Society (RHS) Executive Director Lisa Koch has dedicated the past 30 years to improving the lives of animals and people in Regina.

Lisa joined the RHS on August 6, 1991, as a young educator and very quickly demonstrated her passion and professionalism towards the improvement of animal welfare, advocacy and humane education, particularly with youth.  She quickly became a popular visitor to Regina schools as she brought her message of compassion, empathy and caring.

Lisa’s dedication to our community and never-ending compassion led her to the position of Executive Director in June 2007, where her understanding of the power of education and engagement transformed the Society into a relevant, professional and community-leading organization.  Lisa is now recognized across Canada as a leader in the animal welfare movement, and under her leadership, the Society has grown, matured and become one of the most respected organizations of its kind in Canada. In fact, in 2012, the RHS was awarded the International Summit for Urban Animals, Animal Sheltering Award recognizing the organization’s successful strategies in building healthy communities for pets and people.

Within a year of taking the reigns of the RHS, Lisa forged a fair funding agreement with the City of Regina for the provision of City bylaw enforcement and impound services – an agreement that is still in effect today.  She formed partnerships with local retailers to become adoption centres for shelter pets and blazed new trails by opening the province’s first humane society in-house animal hospital in 2008 and acquiring Canada’s first mobile spay and neuter clinic that same year.  She also worked with the City of Regina to create a subsidized spay/neuter program so that socio-economic challenges were not barriers to pet ownership and solutions to the over-population of pets were supported.

Powered by a deep sense of integrity and caring, Lisa’s guidance has meant that tens of thousands of animals have been saved from homelessness, neglect and abuse and her work has resulted in the creation of more new pet families than can be counted.  She has championed animals, provided a voice to those who had none and given rise to a community built on caring for one another, integrity and inclusion.

Almost ten years ago, Lisa recognized that the RHS facility was worn, outdated and was costing lives every year. She began developing a vision and strategy to construct a new facility that would be industry-leading, safe and comfortable for the animals and the hub of animal welfare where the bond between animals and humans was celebrated every day.  That vision is coming to life, as the design of the new Animal Community Centre is underway, with construction expected to begin by spring 2022.

While Lisa’s individual efforts and leadership have been remarkable, she has never lost sight of the fact that it takes a community to effect change and growth.  She is never to busy to speak with a donor, volunteer or someone who is taking their new furry friend home for the first time and she knows that we are stronger together.  No matter how happy or sad a situation might be, she always takes on each day with determination, empathy and grace.

Lisa, on behalf of the thousands of animals and families whose lives you have touched, thank you.  You have truly built families and made our community a better place to be.


RHS Board members, staff, family and friends marked Lisa’s anniversary with a surprise celebration on August 6, 2021.

Extend a PAW to Help Animals Like Willy


Willy is your typical 11- week-old orange tabby.  He purrs constantly, chases his toys and loves nothing more than to cuddle in someone’s arms.  He’s a sweet, gentle and extremely friendly kitten.  While this may not seem surprising, it is when you consider his condition when he arrived at the RHS in late July.

We don’t know much about Willy’s past other than he came to us with a condition called proptosis, in which an eye starts popping out of its socket.  Some sort of trauma most likely caused his sad condition which had existed long enough that his eye tissue was badly infected and some had died. It is unimaginable how this little guy coped with so much pain for so long.  Sadly, the eye was no longer viable and would need to be surgically removed to relieve his suffering and prevent the spread of bacteria from the infection.

While Willy’s short life prior to coming into RHS care was very scary, we are happy to report that he healed more quickly than anyone expected!  In fact, after only about ten days following his arrival, he was ready to find a new home and was adopted the very first day he was available.

Willy’s happy-ever-after was possible thanks to the support of people like our PAWS (Pre-Authorized Withdrawal System) Plan donors, who make monthly donations to ensure the RHS is ready when vulnerable animals need us most.

You can help more animals like Willy.

When you sign up to be a PAW Plan monthly donor, you provide life-saving care to animals in need and are a vital part of their journey to recovery.  PAWS donors ensure the RHS has a reliable source of funding each month to provide rescue, medical care and adoption to pets who have no-where else to turn.

Click here to become a PAW Plan member today!


Prior to surgery

Post surgery