
What is Animal Cruelty?

Regina Humane Society Animal Protection Services enforce animal protection laws that pertain to animal cruelty and neglect. 

Neglect is the failure to provide adequate water, food, shelter, or necessary care, including veterinary attention when the animal requires it. 

Cruelty is inflicting intentional or deliberate physical harm or injury on an animal. Regretfully, cases of animals being beaten, burned, poisoned or stabbed are not uncommon.

The objective of every investigation is to relieve and prevent the distress of an animal through education, cooperation, and, if necessary, prosecution under the law. Initially, in some cases, enforcement authorities like Regina Humane Society Animal Protection Officers can educate the owner and issue orders to improve the animal’s living conditions. Orders may include mandating veterinary care for sick animals or requiring a pet owner to rectify the situation of concern.

In most cases, Regina Humane Society Officers will provide the pet owner with an opportunity to relieve the animal’s distress. As such, orders are issued and time for compliance is given.  If an animal owner fails to comply with orders, the investigator can either issue further orders allowing the owner more time or apply for a search warrant to seize the animal.

Regina Humane Society Officers must follow all applicable laws and regulations and may only act as allowed under those laws. Officers are not empowered to enter and remove animals from private property without a search warrant unless those animals are in critical distress, which means they would not survive without immediate medical intervention. Animals may be sick, lacking adequate food, shelter or veterinary care, but unless they are in immediate danger of dying they are not in critical distress under the law.  The Regina Humane Society cannot prohibit a person from owning a pet; only the courts can issue such a prohibition.

How to recognize animal cruelty:

  • Wounds on the body
  • Severely overgrown nails (often curling under)
  • Patches of missing hair or extremely matted hair
  • Extremely thin, emaciated animals with ribs or backbone protruding
  • Infected eyes that have been left untreated
  • Limping
  • Animals who have been hit by cars and have not received veterinary attention
  • Animals who are kept outside without shelter in extreme weather conditions
  • An owner kicking, hitting or physically abusing an animal
  • Severe flea or tick infestations left untreated
  • Animals left in a car on a hot or cold day
  • Animals crammed into tiny cages in overcrowded conditions
  • Abandonment
  • Chronic diarrhea or vomiting
  • Animals kept in dirty conditions including being forced to stand in their own urine and excrement
  • Swellings, such as tumors or abscesses, left untreated

It’s every pet owner’s responsibility to be familiar with and understand local, provincial and federal laws and regulations. If you are concerned with the welfare of a companion animal due to any of the above conditions, contact Animal Protection Services 24 hours per day, 365 days per year, at 306-777-7700.