Tazee – Tragedy to Triumph, Thanks to You and His Foster Family


Tiny Tazee’s life started with tragedy.  He was born during the final days of March, and while his own birth went well, his mom was struggling with delivery of a sibling and was in distress.  Unfortunately, the complication was too severe to his mother and the other pup, and sadly neither could be saved.  At just minutes old, Tazee found himself an orphan, with no mother to care for him.

The outlook for a puppy in this situation is grim.  But thanks to your support, the Regina Humane Society Veterinary and Animal Care teams were ready and waiting when he was delivered to the shelter. Newborn puppies require around the clock attention to  feed, clean, and keep them warm.  When their mother is not there to provide this critical care, humans need to step in.  It is always best for these littlest of souls to move out of the shelter environment and into a quiet home setting where they can grow and thrive. This is where the Society’s Foster Care Program comes to the rescue.

Two of the Society’s foster caregivers, Velda and Murray, immediately stepped forward to offer their home and their hearts to the fragile puppy.  Tazee is the 101st  animal that they have fostered since joining the Foster Care Program in 2008.  Each of those pets needed a helping hand to heal, grow, and in some cases, simply to survive.  We knew Tazee was in good hands.

In the weeks that followed, Tazee grew into a fine little puppy.  While he didn’t have his mom, he did have Velda and Murray!  At 8 weeks of age, Tazee was old enough to return to the Shelter.  To everyone’s surprise, Velda and Murragy decided to make their 101st  foster pet a permanent member of their family! We salute and thank Velda and Murray for their years of dedication and sacrifice to help homeless animals.  And, we know if the animals could, they would too.

You can learn more about joining the RHS Foster Program here.