Speak to Your Financial Advisor About a Gift-in-Will to the RHS


Are you interested in starting a conversation with your financial advisor about leaving a gift in your Will to the Regina Humane Society? Not sure how to start? We have a tool that can help!

The RHS has partnered with Will Power, in a national effort to show Canadians that you have the power to do more with your Will. The free Guide to Talking to Your Advisor, from our partners at Will Power, is a useful tool for beginning and directing the conversation about a gift in your Will with your financial advisor.

Here are a few highlights:

  • Open the conversation by sharing your intentions. Talk about why you want to leave a gift in your Will to the RHS, and what kind of impact you want to have.
  • Work with your advisor to better estimate the future value of your estate. Think about what percentage you would like to go to your loved ones, and what percentage to the RHS.
  • Speak to your advisor about the best ways to make your gift. Some options, like a gift of securities or life insurance, might come with big tax savings.
  • How do you want your future gift to live on? Would you like to get your family involved?

Download the full Guide to Talking to Your Advisor here.

We encourage you to explore other free tools and resources on the Will Power website such as their legacy calculator to see your potential impact. You can also find a financial advisor if you don’t have one already.

If you have questions about leaving a gift to the animals in your Will, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 306-543-6363 ext. 223. We’re here to help!