It was a cold December day when a young Rottweiler, along with 6 other dogs, was rescued from rural Saskatchewan. At first glance, Radley looked like an ordinary one year old, bouncing with exuberance and beside himself with joy to be near someone to love. Upon closer examination by RHS veterinarians, a sad story of neglect and abuse unfolded. A puppy collar left on the young dog had embedded itself deep in his neck causing massive skin trauma and infection. The tiny pieces of metal which appeared in his x-ray, also confirmed that his misshapen jawbone and broken teeth, many with nerves painfully exposed, were the result of being shot in the face. It was heartbreaking that the happy smile of this loving dog hid so much pain.
Medical care for abused animals is the crucial first step in the journey of these at-risk animals to heal both physically and emotionally. As the province’s only Animal Shelter Hospital with a veterinary team certified by the Saskatchewan Veterinary Medical Association, Radley began the long process of healing under their care. Delicate specialized surgeries through the Society’s Faith Fund ensured that Radley’s grin, his signature accessory, would brighten each new day with his adoptive family.
As the largest open intake shelter in the province, the RHS continuously seeks advancements in the standards of care for our animals. The Society is committed to providing high quality veterinary care to every homeless animal during their temporary stay at the Shelter. In 2016, our skilled veterinarians performed 2,432 ill animal medical exams, progressive treatments and rehabilitation services. The RHS Animal Hospital and its dedicated veterinary team are an essential part of the work we do every day to heal hurts and hearts.