Fostering Trust

When Raven (previously known as Berg) was finally found and brought to the Regina Humane Society (RHS), it was immediately clear that she had spent considerable time on her own. Dehydrated and displaying a veracious appetite, she had also become timid and unsure of herself around strangers. Now entering a shelter, while safe and warm, it meant new smells, people and other animals that our shy girl would need to deal with.

Often, unsocialized or timid animals need a quieter and more relaxed environment in order to build their confidence and trust.  The RHS Foster Program can the perfect solution for a dog such as Raven. Not all foster situations are due to age or a pet that is recovering from illness or physical injury. Sometimes, they just need the time to relax, experience new things and realize that everything will be ok.

Raven spent several weeks with a RHS foster family to do just that. A gentle hand. A calming voice.  Care and attention. In time, Raven began to understand that her life had changed – for the better.  Eventually, our young pup became more self-assured and less fearful, reaching a point where she could be introduced to potential adopters. To ensure she was at her best, Raven stayed with her foster family while available for adoption, and they would bring her to the shelter whenever someone wanted to meet her. Because of her foster’s dedication, it wasn’t long before it happened – eyes met, a connection was made, and everyone knew that Raven would never be alone again, when “the one” came through our doors and fell in love with her. After a send-off seen through ‘happy-tears” of our staff, Raven is now in her new home. Her journey will continue surrounded by love, patience and the encouragement she needs to continue grow and flourish into the happy pup she was meant to be.

Without your support of the RHS and our Foster Program, as well as the time and caring of our foster families, the road to recovery for many pets could be very long and difficult. Raven is a shining example of how when a community comes together that meets the needs of the pet, wonderful things happen, lives are saved and families are made.