Busting 5 Myths About Becoming a Foster



Fostering animals is a rewarding experience that not only benefits pets but also enriches the lives of those who open their homes to them. The Regina Humane Society’s Foster Program provides a crucial lifeline for animals in need, offering them a safe and loving environment before they find their forever homes. However, there are some common misconceptions surrounding fostering that may discourage potential volunteers. Today, we debunk five fostering myths associated with cost, time commitment, types of animals, cohabiting with other pets, and concerns about health and behavior issues.

Myth 1: Fostering is Expensive

Reality: One of the most prevalent myths about fostering is the misconception that it is financially burdensome. The truth is that the Regina Humane Society provides what is needed to foster, including food, veterinary care, and supplies. You supply your time and a caring environment for the pet during its time with you. Fostering allows you to make a significant impact on an animal’s life without breaking the bank.

Myth 2: Fostering Demands Too Much Time

Reality: Another common misconception is that fostering requires excessive time commitment. The Regina Humane Society understands that everyone has different schedules and commitments. Fostering is flexible, and volunteers can choose the duration that suits their availability. Whether you can commit to short-term or long-term fostering, every moment you invest makes a positive impact on the animal’s life.

Myth 3: Only Certain Types of Animals Need Fostering

Reality: Fostering isn’t limited to specific types of animals. While many associate fostering with puppies and kittens, the Regina Humane Society’s program includes a variety of animals, such as adult cats, dogs, small animals, and even birds. Whether you fancy felines or are a dog lover, there’s a perfect foster opportunity for you.

Myth 4: Having Other Pets at Home is a Barrier to Fostering

Reality: Some people believe that having existing pets at home prevents them from fostering. The truth is that many foster families successfully integrate new animals with their resident pets. The Regina Humane Society provides guidance and support to ensure a smooth introduction, making it a positive experience for everyone involved.

Myth 5: Foster Pets are Often Sick or Have Behavioral Problems

Reality: Concerns about the health and behavior of foster pets are common and understandable, but they are often unfounded. The Regina Humane Society thoroughly assesses the animals before placing them in foster care and provides necessary medical care. Some may be recovering from illness or surgery, and a quiet place outside of a shelter environment often helps speed their recovery.  Others may be too young to be adopted and need time to grow so they can find their forever home. While some pets do benefit from socialization to help behaviour, pets are always matched with a foster’s comfort level, experience, and home environment before being placed. RHS staff are never more than a phone call away to address any concerns or questions fosters may have.

Fostering with the Regina Humane Society is an invaluable opportunity to make a difference in the lives of animals. By dispelling these common myths, we hope to encourage more individuals to consider becoming foster volunteers and experience the joy of providing temporary care and love to animals on their journey to finding forever homes.