Beanie Needs a Little Help


All pets are special.  But, every once in a while we meet one who needs a little extra care, attention and help to complete their journey to a new life.  Beanie is one of those animals, and to give her the best life possible, we need to find her special someone.

Beanie arrived at the shelter with a severe injury to one of her front legs. How the injury happened is unclear, but amputation was necessary as the damage was too great to save her critically damaged limb. Following surgery, Beanie was moved into the Animal Protection Office to receive some extra love and snuggles as she recovered. Although she had been through a lot in her young life, she remained timid and withdrawn despite staffs’ best attempts to raise her spirits.  A move to foster care would surely help Beanie find her way!  Slow going at first, Beanie spent much of her time looking for places to hide. But soon her foster family’s dog showed her that life could be fun if you open your heart and trust, just a little bit. Beanie still has a ways to go to feel confident and secure – that’s where you come in!

Beanie loves being outside, so she will need a family with a fully fenced yard where she can get plenty of outside time, without much need for a leash.  Although she manages well on her three legs, her new family will need to encourage her to keep active so she builds strength in her core and other limbs.  Physiotherapy may also benefit her in the future.

Beanie is just as sweet and lovable as any dog – and don’t get us started about her love of hot dogs and head rubs! But, she needs a family who will be patient and guide her to realizing how wonderful life can be as she has lots of life to live and lots of love to give.  If you feel you are her special someone, please contact us at 306-543-6363 ext. 244 or to talk about giving this wonderful soul the happy and loving life she deserves.

After surgery

In foster