In late October, Georgina, a beautiful three-year-old orange tabby arrived at the Regina Humane Society (RHS) appearing very pregnant, but also terribly thin. She was immediately fed, to which she happily demolished her meal and looked up with gratitude for more. Soon after Georgina was sent to the RHS veterinarian team for further examination, where they worried the bulge wasn’t a pregnancy at all, but possibly a large tumour. Fearing the worst, an exploratory surgery was performed to confirm the cause of the bulge.
To everyone’s surprise the problem was more than a little hairy… it was a gigantic hairball weighing 0.21 kg! Georgina weighed just 2.98 kg, so the hairball was taking up a lot of stomach space and needed to be surgically removed. After a successful operation, Georgina went into foster care to recover, gain weight and receive the love and adoration she needed and deserved.
Now, fully recovered – we’re happy to say, Georgina found her permanent home in time for the holidays!