Abandoned in a Box – Billy, Bobby and Bandy


Sadly, it is a scenario that the Society sees all too often. . . cats abandoned in vacated homes, in crates in back alleys, or as in the case of Billy, Bobby and Bandy, left taped in a cardboard box with no food or water.

That is exactly how RHS staff found the three 7-week old kittens earlier this month on a frigid Saturday morning – in fact, it was the first day of snow in our city this year.  The three were dumped by the Shelter door, without their mother, just feet from warmth and safety.  Luckily, they were found after a relatively short period of time. Because of your support, the RHS is always there to help abandoned animals, just like this tiny trio, 24 hours a day 365 days a year.

Now, just two weeks later, their story has changed from abandoned to adopted!  Billy, Bobby and Bandy will now experience winter from the great indoors, cuddled and loved in the arms of their new families.

Thank you for being there when they needed you most.

Finding the three abandoned kittens

Bobby as found in the box





RHS Animal Protection Officer with Bandy



RHS Animal Protection Officers with Billy and Bandy