2024 RCMP Depot Spin-A-Thon

The Regina Humane Society is honoured to be selected at the recipient of the funds raised from this year’s Spin-A-Thon.

When asked why the RHS was chosen, Cpl. Alain Castonguay shared: “I’ve always loved animals. Back in June of 2023, I did relief work in Northern Saskatchewan where a lot of dogs were strayed, abandoned, and neglected and it made me think about our local animal who want to be loved and adopted. In September 2023, created a partnership between the RCMP Academy and the RHS where once a month me and another facilitator from Depot take three or four cadets volunteer at the shelter for a few hours. This program always has a wait list of others who are interested in coming. I believe in community policing, giving back to our community and what better way to do that than with animals?”.