Like humans, pets usually need time to adjust and settle into their new living environment. It’s normal to want everything It’s important to remember that while your home is safe and familiar to you, everything about it – the sounds, smells, people, and other pets are all completely new, and that can be stressful and a little scary.

While individual pets will adjust at their own pace, a good rule of thumb to follow is the 3-3-3 Rule of Adopting: 3 days to decompress; 3 weeks to learn routine; 3 months to feel at home.

The amount of time each pet needs to adjust to their new home will vary, but the 3-3-3 rule helps approximate what new pet owners can expect.

In the first 3 days

Your new pet will often be overwhelmed with their new surroundings in the first few days. Their uncertainty may manifest as a lack of appetite, or undesirable behaviour, such as barking, which is common when pets are stressed. Your new pet may also hide somewhere that makes them feel safe, like under furniture or in their crate. Some pets may do the opposite and test boundaries in their new environment to see what they can get away with — this is why it’s good to pet-proof your home first.

 Tips to remember during this period:

  • Give them space.
  • Stay calm and give clear directions.
  • Start routines right away.
  • Do not force interaction.
  • Be patient and positive.

 After 3 weeks

Your new pet is starting to settle in and is getting used to your routine, which helps them feel more comfortable with their environment. This period is when your new pet’s personality will start to show. Behaviour issues may arise, so positive reinforcement training is especially critical to set expectations and boundaries.

Tips to remember during this period:

  • Your pet feels more settled and will start to test boundaries.
  • Consistently work on basic commands.
  • Give clear directions.
  • praise and reward behaviours you want to reinforce.

After 3 months

Your pet should be completely acclimated to and comfortable in your home. You have built trust and a bond with your pet, which gives them confidence and a sense of security with you. They know their routine and may expect meals and enrichment at specific times.

Tips to remember during this period:

  • Your pet has established trust with you and knows their routine.
  • Continue with consistent and clear positive reinforcement training.
  • Once bonded, you can also use affection as a reward, but treats (in moderation) are still a great form of enrichment.

Ultimately, adopting a new pet takes time, patience, consistency, and time. The 3-3-3 rule helps remind new pet owners that their recently adopted friend has been through a lot of change, and some may need extra patience and time to adjust.

What to Do If You Encounter an Off-Leash Dog


Encountering an off-leash dog can be an unexpected and nerve-wracking experience. Whether you’re walking in a park, jogging in your neighbourhood, or simply enjoying the outdoors, knowing how to handle such situations can make a significant difference. Even dogs who you know may react differently if they are lost, without their owner, scared or reacting to stimuli near them such as other dogs, strangers, wildlife, or excessive noise. Here are some steps to ensure your safety and the dog’s well-being.

Stay Calm and Assess the Situation

The first and most crucial step is to stay calm. Dogs can sense fear and anxiety, which might make them more likely to approach or react aggressively. Take a moment to assess the dog’s behaviour. Is it friendly, curious, or aggressive? Look for signs like wagging tails, relaxed postures, or, conversely, growling and raised hackles.  Understanding canine body language can help immensely.

Avoid Direct Eye Contact

Direct eye contact can be perceived as a threat by dogs. Instead, look at the dog indirectly. This approach can help to prevent the dog from feeling challenged or provoked.

Stand Still and Be a Tree

Stand still if the dog approaches you and “be a tree.” This means standing with your feet together, hands at your sides, and avoiding sudden movements. Most dogs will lose interest if you remain calm and still, as they usually react to movement and excitement.

Use a Firm, Calm Voice

If the dog comes too close or starts to act aggressively, use a firm, calm voice to give commands like “No,” “Go home,” or “Stay.” Most dogs are familiar with basic commands, and a confident tone can help assert control over the situation.

Create a Barrier

If you have something with you, like a bag, jacket, or even an umbrella, use it to create a barrier between you and the dog. This can help protect you and also signal to the dog to keep its distance.

Slowly Back Away

Once the dog loses interest or calms down, slowly back away while keeping the dog in your peripheral vision. Do not turn your back on the dog, as this might provoke it to chase you. Move steadily and avoid sudden movements that could startle the dog.

Seek Help if Necessary

If the dog is aggressive and you feel threatened, look for nearby people who might be able to help. Shouting for help or calling local animal control can be effective ways to get assistance.

Educate Yourself and Others

Learning about dog behavior and educating others on how to handle off-leash encounters can make a community safer for everyone. While designed for youth and developed by the RHS and the Saskatchewan Health Authority, the Be Dog Smart bite prevention program has information that can be useful for anyone.  Details are available on our website.

Encountering an off-leash dog doesn’t have to be a frightening experience if you know how to respond. By staying calm, avoiding direct eye contact, and using a firm voice, you can manage the situation effectively. Remember to create a barrier if needed, back away slowly, and seek help if necessary. With these steps, you can ensure both your safety and the well-being of the dog.

Easy Ways to Help Your Pet Beat the Summer Heat


Our summers seem to be getting warmer and warmer each year.  While we all still love to get out in the sunshine, and even the heat, it does mean that we have to pay extra attention to our furry friends when we venture out.  While we can wear shorts and a t-shirt or a breezy-cool sundress, our pets wear their fur coats year-round.

Here are some tips to help keep your pet cool as a cucumber this summer:

Provide lots of water. Keeping your pet hydrated is number one on the list to keep them cool and safe. Be sure they always have access to cool water and consider taking a portable dog dish or pet water bottle when you venture out. Toss in a few ice cubes to help keep it cool longer.

Make a frozen treat.  A frozen treat bowl is a cool way to keep your pets both entertained and refreshed. Freeze kibble or their favourite treats in a bowl of frozen water, and your pets won’t be able to control their tongues. For added flavour, combine water with chicken or beef stock and they’ll really be excited about this tasty treat.  Our Shelter pets LOVE these in the summer and they are easy to make.

Give them a cool place to sleep.  Before leaving the house, ensure your pet has a cool place to sleep and relax. This might mean ensuring they remain on the lower level of the home where it’s cooler and providing a cozy area that’s out of direct sunlight. You might also want to close blinds and curtains to keep your space as cool as possible.

Depending on your dog’s personality, you might also want to consider purchasing a doggie cooling mat that will help prevent them from becoming overheated if they like to stretch out in the warm sun (cats can use them, too!).

Keep a fan going.  If you don’t have AC, consider keeping a fan going while you’re away from the house to keep fresh air circulating inside for your pet. They’re a great way for your pet to keep cool and you might even consider attaching a pet-friendly misting system to provide even more relief.

Treat them with a frozen Kong.  Your dog loves their Kong, especially if it’s filled with their favourite goodies. Try lining the Kong with some peanut butter or their preferred treat, and freezing the Kong, for a refreshing cooling twist on the treat.

Keep your dog at a healthy weight

Overweight dogs have a harder time keeping cool in warm weather and are at greater risk of overheating. Consult with your veterinarian to help maintain their ideal body condition, which varies depending on your dog’s breed.

Take care of your dog’s coat.  Ensuring your dog is regularly groomed in the summer is important to keep them cool. Your dog’s coat doesn’t just keep them warm in the winter but can also keep them cooler in the summer. It can also protect their skin from sunburn. Regular and thorough brushing helps allow proper airflow for their skin and prevents mats, which are painful but also trap heat and moisture and can result in skin infections.

However, resist the urge to shave down your dog as not every dog requires this, particularly those breeds with double coats. While some dogs will benefit from shaving, it’s not always necessary. If you have questions regarding your dog’s grooming, consult with your veterinarian first.

Now you’re ready to enjoy a fun-filled and cool summer!



RHS Animal Protection Services Rescues 26 Canines from Deplorable Conditions


On the evening of May 15, 2024, Regina Humane Society (RHS) Animal Protection Services was alerted by a concerned member of the public about multiple canines living in unsuitable conditions. Upon investigation, in conjunction with the Regina Police Service, RHS Animal Protection Officers found 17 adult dogs and 9 puppies living in crowded housing and covered in dirt, urine, and feces. A team of officers worked through the night to remove and transport the animals to the Animal Community Centre where they were each examined by RHS veterinary staff.

The dogs were of various mixed breeds and appeared to have been living in unsanitary conditions for an extended time due to the large build-up of excrement that was present. Many of the dogs were displaying signs of extreme fear and mental or physical injury. Unfortunately, humane euthanasia was necessary for 10 of the dogs.

The dogs were cleaned and groomed to relieve them of fur mats, and feces that clung to their coat, and debris was removed from ears, nose, and eye areas.

RHS staff named each one after a gemstone, highlighting how precious they are. The dogs spent time with staff and volunteers in offices, classrooms, and outdoors to help them get used to their new world. Treats, toys and romps in the grass were met with apprehension. But soon, tails started to wag, and happy smiles emerged as they were lavished with love and attention. Some took several weeks to understand safety and kindness to the point where they could be adopted. Happily, most have found new lives and homes, with just a few still waiting for their special someone to arrive.

The horror they endured now fades as a distant memory thanks to your support of the RHS. We cannot thank you enough for being there for them.

Variscite still awaits his special someone.

Grand Opening and 60th Anniversary Celebration


On June 1, 2024, we officially opened our new Animal Community Centre. For six decades, our community has been united by a shared passion for animal welfare. From our humble beginnings, we have grown and evolved, always striving to provide the best care, shelter, and love for the animals who need us.

Our new Animal Community Centre is more than just a building; it is a testament to our community’s unwavering dedication to animal welfare. It is a sanctuary where abandoned and injured animals will find safety, medical care, and the chance to be adopted into loving homes. It is a place where education and outreach programs will support and foster the bond between humans and animals. And it is a symbol of our promise to protect and nurture the creatures that share our world.

It takes a village to bring something of this size to life and so many hands and hearts have contributed to this milestone for animals.

We would like to recognize the City of Regina’s progressive vision and contribution to the new Animal Community Centre. Their investment in our animal care system is indeed an important part of the quality of life of our community.

Numerous dedicated individuals in our city worked tirelessly to help raise the needed funding for the project and unite so many in a common cause.

We are so appreciative of contractor, architectural and design firms who not only gave our facility physical form, but also a warmth and welcoming environment for animals and people alike.

In 2019 we launched the Almost Home Capital Campaign, with the goal of raising $15 million, to support this project. In the past four years, over 1,300 donors have given heartfelt gifts to provide a space to shelter those animals who are in the greatest need. As you walk through the Animal Community Centre, you’ll see their names displayed in the corridors, painted on the walls, and engraved on plaques. But these aren’t just names; they are stories waiting to be told. Behind every room, every corner, lies the heart and soul of those who believed in our vision.  To all of you whose names and stories grace these walls, your contributions go far beyond the physical; they create a legacy of hope, love, and kindness for every animal that finds refuge within these walls.

Looking ahead, we are excited about the possibilities that this new Centre brings. As we open the doors to this new chapter, I would also like to pay tribute to the countless volunteers, staff, and supporters who have made this possible. Your hard work, generosity, and love have been the foundation of our success. Together, we have saved lives, inspired change, and created a legacy that will endure for generations to come.


The Language of Licks – Decoding Why Dogs Love to Lick


Licking is an innate behavior deeply ingrained in dogs. From lavish licks on our faces to repetitive grooming of their paws, dogs are renowned for their fondness for licking. But why do dogs engage in this behavior? Let’s explore the reasons behind dogs’ licking tendencies and uncover the different messages they convey through this unique form of communication.

Affection and Social Bonding – One of the primary reasons dogs lick is to express affection and strengthen social bonds. Licking is often seen as a sign of love, as dogs use their tongues to groom and show affection towards their human companions and other dogs in their pack. By showering us with gentle licks, dogs communicate their desire for closeness, acceptance, and social connection.

Grooming and Hygiene – Like cats, dogs instinctively groom themselves to maintain hygiene. When dogs lick their paws or other parts of their bodies, they engage in self-grooming to keep their fur clean, remove dirt or debris, and promote healing by licking their wounds. This behavior helps them maintain their coat’s condition, removes tangles, and offers a soothing and calming effect.

Seeking Attention and Playfulness – Licking can also be a way for dogs to seek attention and initiate play. Dogs quickly learn that licking is an effective way to grab our focus and elicit a response. By licking our hands or faces, dogs communicate their desire for interaction, playtime, or a simple request for attention. It’s their way of saying, “Let’s have fun together!”

Exploration and Taste – Dogs explore the world through their senses, and their tongues play a significant role in this process. Licking objects or surfaces allows dogs to gather information about their environment. They use their sense of taste to analyze unfamiliar scents, assess the edibility of objects, or investigate new and intriguing substances. Licking provides dogs with a means of sensory exploration and helps them gather important information about their surroundings.

Submission and Respect -In the canine world, licking can be a submissive gesture, particularly when directed towards more dominant individuals. Lower-ranking dogs may lick higher-ranking dogs to show respect and deference. Similarly, a dog may lick its owner’s face or body to acknowledge their leadership and demonstrate submission. It’s a non-threatening behavior that conveys respect and establishes social harmony within the pack.

While we may call them simply “puppy kisses,” licking is essential to their happiness, health, and everyday life. Of course, licking the spoon clean of some pet-friendly ice cream is also a great reason for this behaviour!

Busting 5 Myths About Becoming a Foster



Fostering animals is a rewarding experience that not only benefits pets but also enriches the lives of those who open their homes to them. The Regina Humane Society’s Foster Program provides a crucial lifeline for animals in need, offering them a safe and loving environment before they find their forever homes. However, there are some common misconceptions surrounding fostering that may discourage potential volunteers. Today, we debunk five fostering myths associated with cost, time commitment, types of animals, cohabiting with other pets, and concerns about health and behavior issues.

Myth 1: Fostering is Expensive

Reality: One of the most prevalent myths about fostering is the misconception that it is financially burdensome. The truth is that the Regina Humane Society provides what is needed to foster, including food, veterinary care, and supplies. You supply your time and a caring environment for the pet during its time with you. Fostering allows you to make a significant impact on an animal’s life without breaking the bank.

Myth 2: Fostering Demands Too Much Time

Reality: Another common misconception is that fostering requires excessive time commitment. The Regina Humane Society understands that everyone has different schedules and commitments. Fostering is flexible, and volunteers can choose the duration that suits their availability. Whether you can commit to short-term or long-term fostering, every moment you invest makes a positive impact on the animal’s life.

Myth 3: Only Certain Types of Animals Need Fostering

Reality: Fostering isn’t limited to specific types of animals. While many associate fostering with puppies and kittens, the Regina Humane Society’s program includes a variety of animals, such as adult cats, dogs, small animals, and even birds. Whether you fancy felines or are a dog lover, there’s a perfect foster opportunity for you.

Myth 4: Having Other Pets at Home is a Barrier to Fostering

Reality: Some people believe that having existing pets at home prevents them from fostering. The truth is that many foster families successfully integrate new animals with their resident pets. The Regina Humane Society provides guidance and support to ensure a smooth introduction, making it a positive experience for everyone involved.

Myth 5: Foster Pets are Often Sick or Have Behavioral Problems

Reality: Concerns about the health and behavior of foster pets are common and understandable, but they are often unfounded. The Regina Humane Society thoroughly assesses the animals before placing them in foster care and provides necessary medical care. Some may be recovering from illness or surgery, and a quiet place outside of a shelter environment often helps speed their recovery.  Others may be too young to be adopted and need time to grow so they can find their forever home. While some pets do benefit from socialization to help behaviour, pets are always matched with a foster’s comfort level, experience, and home environment before being placed. RHS staff are never more than a phone call away to address any concerns or questions fosters may have.

Fostering with the Regina Humane Society is an invaluable opportunity to make a difference in the lives of animals. By dispelling these common myths, we hope to encourage more individuals to consider becoming foster volunteers and experience the joy of providing temporary care and love to animals on their journey to finding forever homes.



Regina Humane Society Shifts to Modified Operations for New Facility Move




Following over a decade of planning, andnd two years of construction, the Regina Humane Society (RHS) is ready to move to its new Animal Community Centre located at 4900 Parliament Avenue in Harbour Landing. The current RHS facility, just north of the city limits, has been operating for 60 years and is well past its useful life.

To facilitate the move, the RHS will shift to modified operations from January 29th to February 4th, 2024.  The RHS will continue to address priority animal welfare, public health, and safety calls during this time. For animal emergencies, or reclaiming impounded animals, the public may call Animal Protection Services at 306-777-7700. The Society requests that the public does not attend either its Armour Road or the Animal Community Centre locations in person during this time without first contacting Animal Protection Services by phone.

Our Spay & Neuter Clinic and Lost and Found departments will open at the Animal Community Centre on Monday, February 5, 2024. Adoptions and the main reception will open at Noon on Tuesday, February 6. The former location at 79 Armour Road is permanently closed.

The RHS Animal Community Centre will offer safe refuge for homeless pets; an adoption gallery with home-like habitats for dogs and cats; an education center with multi-purpose classrooms for after-hours public use; a veterinary hospital supporting RHS animals as well as continued delivery of spay/neuter services to financially disadvantaged pet owners; family pet cremations; dog park; dog washing station; green spaces; training centre and gift shop.

The Society acknowledges that the Animal Community Centre would not be possible without the unwavering dedication and support of its community to improve the welfare of animals. Details on the RHS Animal Community Centre and its Capital Campaign can be found on the Campaign website

Seven Indoor Activities to Exercise Your Dog’s Body and Mind During the Winter


As winter blankets the outdoors with frosty temperatures and chilly winds, our furry friends might find themselves with limited opportunities for outdoor exercise. However, keeping your dog active and engaged is crucial for their physical and mental well-being. To beat the winter blues, here are seven innovative and interactive ways to exercise your dog indoors, ensuring they stay both happy and healthy.

Hide and Seek

Engage your dog’s natural hunting instincts with a game of hide and seek. Grab their favorite treats or toys and hide them strategically around the house. Encourage your pup to use their nose to sniff out the hidden treasures, turning a simple game into an exciting mental and physical challenge.

DIY Obstacle Course

Create a mini indoor obstacle course using household items like chairs, cushions, and blankets. Guide your dog through the course, incorporating commands such as “jump,” “crawl,” or “weave.” Not only does this provide a physical workout, but it also stimulates their problem-solving skills and strengthens the bond between you and your furry companion.

Tug-of-War – Classic Fun with a Twist

Tug-of-war is a timeless favorite for dogs, offering a great way to burn energy and build strength. Introduce variations by incorporating obedience commands like “drop it” and “wait.” This adds an extra layer of mental engagement, turning a simple game into a learning opportunity.

Puzzle Toys

Invest in puzzle toys that dispense treats as your dog plays with them. These toys challenge their cognitive abilities, requiring problem-solving skills to access the hidden treats. You can even make you own puzzles by placing treats under plastic cups on the floor or in muffin tins covered by tennis balls or balled socks. This mental stimulation is vital for preventing boredom and ensuring your dog remains sharp and focused, even on the coldest days.

Indoor Fetch

If you have a spacious hallway or a large living room, a game of indoor fetch can be an excellent cardiovascular workout. Opt for soft toys to prevent any potential damage. This activity allows your dog to burn off excess energy, promoting physical health while keeping them entertained. Be sure the floor is non-slip to avoid any accidents.

Yoga for Pups: Doggy Workouts

Combine fitness for both you and your furry friend with dog-friendly yoga. Incorporate gentle stretching and poses that your dog can join in on. This not only provides physical activity for both of you but also strengthens the human-canine bond through shared relaxation and movement.

Indoor Stair Climbing

If you have stairs in your home, utilize them for a dog-friendly stair-climbing workout. Guide your dog up and down the stairs, encouraging them with positive reinforcement. This activity is an excellent way to elevate their heart rate and work various muscle groups. Ensure your dog is comfortable with stair climbing and avoid this activity if they have joint issues or other health concerns.

Don’t let winter weather be an obstacle to your dog’s well-being. With these seven indoor exercises, you can ensure your pup stays active, both physically and mentally. Keeping your dog engaged during the colder months not only contributes to their health but also strengthens the bond between you and your four-legged friend. So, embrace the winter season with creativity and enthusiasm, making it a time of joy and play for you and your beloved canine companion.


Winter Safety Tips for You and Your Dog


How your pet handles the colder weather depends on many factors, ranging from breed to age and general health. Many pets love the cold weather, while others are only interested in quick bathroom breaks and heading back to the warmth of the house.

Whenever you are outside in winter, always look for signs of discomfort due to cold, including shivering, running towards or standing near the door, and paw-lifting. Here are some further tips to help keep your pet safe and sound during the cold months ahead.

Make the walk a little shorter. Instead of one or two long walks, break your walk time into shorter segments that will end before anyone gets too cold. It can be wise not to go as far from home as well so that, should you notice your pet feeling the cold, you are not too far from home. You can still cover lots of distance when you go in circles!

Know the signs of hypothermia and frostbite. Pets are susceptible to hypothermia and frostbite, just like humans. Hypothermia symptoms may include shivering, whining, lethargy, and fur and skin that is cold to the touch.   Frostbite may be less noticeable and may take some time before the symptoms appear in the form of blisters or skin ulcers, stiffness or clumsiness, and areas of blackened or dead skin.  Frostbite is most likely to occur on the paw pads, tails, and ears. If you think your pet could be showing signs of hypothermia or frostbite, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Clean your pet’s paws after a walk. Winter walks can take you through many nasty chemicals and substances that can harm your pet, including salt, ice melter, and anti-freeze products. Check for chapped paws and itchy, flaking skin as well. To clean your pet’s paws after a walk, gently wipe them with a soft towel or cloth soaked in warm (not hot) water and wrung so it is only damp. This will melt away snow and ice and remove any salt buildup. Once you’re finished, dry off their paw with another towel.

Paw protectors, which are available in a wide selection of styles and sizes, maybe another option to keep your pet’s paws clean and are widely available at most pet stores. But remember that some pets will wear them without issue, and others may not like them.  Go along with whichever your pet will tolerate.

Just like in summer, never leave them alone in the car. A vehicle can act like a freezer, trapping in cold air, which can quickly endanger your pet. If you must travel with your pet, never leave them unattended in your vehicle, even with the engine and heat running.

Save the shorter haircuts for the summer. A little extra hair will provide your pet with that much-needed extra warmth. A quick trim should avoid clinging snow chunks and salt crystals for long-haired dogs. For those less shaggy short-haired pups, a nice coat or sweater with a high collar will help them stay cozy on those chilly winter walks.

Remember, whether you’re walking around the neighbourhood or playing at one of the off-leash parks – always stay with your pet, be aware of their body-language and comfort level, and be prepared to call it a day should your dog show signs of discomfort.



No Scaredy-Cats (or Dogs!)

While Halloween can be a scary good time for kids and families, it can be a nightmare for pets! This year, take the stress and danger out of Halloween by following a few easy steps:

  • Keep treats away from your pets – Halloween treats can be toxic to your dog or cat- especially chocolate, with dark chocolate being the worst. Many can also be a choking hazard due to their size, shape or wrapping.
  • Keep pets away from the door – Besides the possibility that Boots may bolt out the door, pets can be stressed or frightened by costumes and noise from Trick or Treaters. It is best to keep them in a room away from the Halloween action. If you use a candle to illuminate your pumpkin, be sure to keep your pets clear to avoid any burns or fire risks.
  • Avoid leaving pets in the yard – Pets may become agitated if left outside during Halloween noise and movement. By keeping them inside, you also avoid excited Halloween’ers who may offer your pet treats that could be harmful or mischief makers who could hurt them.
  • Leave the dog at home – While taking the dog Trick or Treating with the kids may seem like a great opportunity for a walk, your dog could be frightened by all the people, noise, and costumes and may react unpredictably towards others.
  • Exercise caution with burn or fire hazards – Decorative candles and electrical cords should be kept out of reach from curious pets.
  • ID’s, please – Always make sure that your dog or cat has proper identification. If, for any reason, your pet escapes or becomes lost, a collar and tags or microchip can be a lifesaver, increasing the chances your pet will be returned to you.

Happy Halloween!

Embracing the Golden Years – The Joys of a Senior Pet


As pet owners, we often adore young animals’ playful energy and exuberance. However, a unique and heartwarming pleasure comes with embracing the golden years of a senior pet. Just like humans, the aging process often comes with a wealth of endearing qualities and moments to treasure. Let’s explore the joys of having a senior pet and the profound bond that can develop during these precious twilight years.

Calm Companionship – Senior pets often possess a calm and relaxed demeanor, making them the perfect companions for peaceful moments at home. They are content to curl up beside you, offering a soothing presence and a quiet companionship that can bring a sense of tranquility and solace to your life.

Enjoying Every Moment – Senior pets teach us the importance of cherishing every moment we have together. As they age, we become acutely aware of the passage of time and the need to make the most of each day. Every wag of their tail or purr of contentment becomes a treasured gift, reminding us to savor the present and create beautiful memories. Realizing that one day you will miss the walks, the constant scratches at the door to go out, or even the scratches on the chair can be incredibly grounding.

Adopting a Senior Pet – We often see senior pets enter the shelter for a variety of reasons.  They may be simply stray, require medical care, or their previous owner may have passed away.  These pets, who are used to a happy home, suddenly find themselves in a strange environment with no familiar people or places in sight. While all adopters are special and precious to us, those who open their lives and homes to senior pets touch our hearts deeply. Often, these pets require additional care that comes with extra expense and may only have a few precious years left in their lives. Yet, their special human angels take them in any way, allowing them to live out their remaining time surrounded by love and compassion.

The joys of having a senior pet are immeasurable. These loving souls bring us comfort, companionship, and a reminder to appreciate the simple moments in life. They offer us a profound connection and teach us valuable lessons about love, loyalty, and living in the present. Even though we know that a difficult day lies ahead, they do not and live each day as it comes. Let us celebrate these treasured companions and embrace the beautiful journey we share with them as they gracefully enter their twilight years.