
Wills & Estates

Leave a Gift in Your Will

Since 1964, the Regina Humane Society has been committed to excellence in providing protection, shelter, and care for homeless animals. The RHS is a recognized leader in animal welfare, due in large part to the support of our generous community. Since we receive no government funding, we are dependent upon the generosity of caring contributors like you.

The decision to include the Regina Humane Society in your estate plans shows a sincere commitment to animals and a desire for your legacy of love to continue for years to come. Estate gifts, commonly called “planned gifts” include bequests, securities, charitable trusts, life insurance, retirement accounts, and more.

Learn more about making a lasting gift to animals in need.

If you have included the Regina Humane Society in your will, please contact us at (306) 543-6363 ext. 337 so we can recognize your gift through our Legacy Society and share with you the important work we are doing.

If you are interested in learning more about making a planned gift to the Regina Humane Society please contact

Karen Mercier, Director of Philanthropy:

Phone: (306) 543-6363 ext. 337
Fax: (306) 545-7661