Specifics of Item
What is the purpose of this item?
Picture of Item
Must be clear and quite large.
Ideal sizing is approximately 33 X 20 X 14″ or 50 – 70 L.
All of the items from the kitten kit will go into this tote (excluding cat litter).
Kitten Milk Replacer (KMR)
Powdered form works best as it lasts longer and reduces waste.
6-12 oz (however any size is acceptable).
The main staple of all orphaned kittens diets.
Provided to all kittens until 4 months of age to help boost weight gain and ensure all essential
nutrients are provided.
Two – three small kitten bottles
Must be small enough for a kitten (50 – 75 mL).
Nipple should be round, and short (avoid longer tips as it can be dangerous to the kittens).
Bottles help provide orphaned kittens with a way to eat that mimics their mothers nipple.
This is more beneficial than using a syringe as it allows the kitten to suckle only as much as they
can drink at once.
Two – three Miracle Nipples
Miracle Nipple Mini and the Regular Miracle Nipples are both acceptable.
Can only be purchased online.
These nipples are created specifically for very tiny kittens to aid in nursing. Many kittens find the
regular nipple size too large and will struggle to suckle. |
Soft kitten food
Soft food geared specifically towards kittens is best.
12 – 24 small cans is a good amount for a kitten kit.
Kitten specific food has a higher fat content and more nutrients than an adult soft food.
Kittens start transition to solid food by using soft food.
Small kitchen scale
Must be small, and easy to clean (i.e. no small crevasses).
Should ideally read in grams, but ounces are also acceptable. |
In order to ensure orphaned kittens are not being overfed (which is very dangerous) the amount of
food they need for each feeding is determined by their weight. This weight is determined using a
small kitchen scale. |
Four – six small metal bowls (non-spill)
Must be metal for easy disinfection.
Non-spill shallow dishes are perfect for tiny kittens learning how to eat.
Plastic isn’t suitable as small scratches in the plastic often harbour bacteria and viruses dangerous
to the kittens.
Four – six bowls allow for the kittens to have multiple bowls in multiple areas if needed.
Bowls are needed for milk, kibble, soft food and KMR.
Small cat bed
Should be small enough to fit in the tote with the other items.
A bed provides a warm safe place for mom and/or kittens to sleep.
Two small blankets
Microfiber or fleece blankets are commonly a favourite among felines but most blankets are suitable.
Used for alternative sleeping areas for mom/kittens or to be placed under food/ water dishes.
Four – six rags
Must be clean.
Used for stimulating kittens, or for preventing messes during bottle feeding.
Can also be used to clean up any accidental messes made by the kittens.
A small unhooded litter pan
Litter pan must be small enough to fit inside of the 17 litre tote. (likely the smallest litter
pan that can be purchased).Low sides are also important so that kittens can easily get into the box. |
Will be used by the kittens to learn how to use the litter box.
A litter scoop
Small scoop is desired.
Used to clean out the litter box.
Non-clumping cat litter
Must be non-clumping as kittens sometimes like to eat the smaller, clumping types (which can cause
health issues).Does not require to fit inside of tote. |
Used as a medium for kittens to go to the bathroom.
Cat toys
Clean cat toys.
Ideally plastic toys that can be disinfected and reused are best, but fabric toys are welcome as long
as they’re clean.
Items such as pipe cleaners, mesh tubing, clean wine corks or plastic shower rings also make great,
inexpensive cat toys!
Provides the kittens with items to play with.
Play is a natural behaviour in cats, and helps them develop their motor skills.
A small scratch pad
Any type of small scratch pad is acceptable.
Must be small enough to fit into the tote with the other items.
Scratching is a natural behaviour in cats that helps reduce stress.
By providing kittens with an appropriate place to scratch (i.e. a scratch pad) it trains them to use
a scratch pad in their new home rather than other less desirable areas such as a couch.
A small brush
A small brush of any kind is suitable.
Best type is a small wire brush as they’re easy to disinfect and reuse.
Grooming will be a regular part of life for a cat, so starting grooming as a kitten helps them become
used to being groomed. |
Snuggle Safe heat source
Animal safe heating pad |
Snuggle Safe heat source:
Is a small, microwavable heating pad that is easily disinfected and reusable.
Can be purchased online (Amazon).
Animal safe heating pad:
Must be waterproof and made for animals specifically.
Should be able to be disinfected and reused for multiple litters of kittens. |
Provides orphaned kittens (who cannot regulate their own body temperatures) with a safe heat source.
Critical to ensure orphaned kittens survival.