
It is with great sadness that our family has lost our beloved Lulu after 16 years. The last two years have been the hardest battle we have ever had to fight but we did it together ❤ We will miss your beautiful little face and sweet lil’ kisses. Thank you Lulu for always being the bestest friend anyone could possibly imagine ❤🌈 Till we meet again at the Rainbow Bridge my sweet angel❤🦋


Lola was a small dog with a huge heart. She loved cheese, being at the cabin at the beach, and being in the kitchen with her dad. For 15 years, she was so loved by her family, and she returned the love with plenty of kisses and snuggles. She was energetic in her own low key way right up until the last couple days. The smallest paws leave the largest holes, and she will be so missed.


A lover of camping, adventures, swimming, kids (especially her baby Koda) squeaky toys, her dad, and belly rubs anytime (everytime) you walked by. She will be so missed by everyone who knew her.


We got Loki when he was 1 1/2. He would have been 10 this March. He got sick and at first I thought he just had an upset stomach. He got better for a week or so and then yesterday he was sick off and on all day. We took him to emergency vet and Xray showed a lot of fluid around heart and lungs. Options were drive to Saskatoon for testing or have him put down. Most likely cancer or heart failure but we would have needed the tests to definitively diagnose. He went peacefully surrounded by those that loved him most, although way too soon. It’ll never be the same without him and I’ll always love him. He was the best dog. ❤️🌈🐾😢


She was my best friend for 10 years. She didn’t much like strangers, I can’t blame her cause neither do I. We always had each other. She was my world and I was hers.


Loved deeply by our family. Always made sure to tell you when he wanted something. Always greeted you as soon as he noticed you. He will be deeply missed by everyone who came in contact with him