
Cannoli lived a short but loved life with his parents, Remi and Liz. He was the joy in our lives and our furry little baby. Cannoli loved cuddles, the pink oodie, and Temptations. He fought so hard, however, succumbed to his illness and left us for kitty heaven on July 20th. We love you Cannoli.


Cupcake was a crazy ball of energy from the moment she was a puppy. Always able to put a smile on everyone’s face and always knew how to make people laugh. Treats were her favorite, and of course, she had to train the cat how to ask for some too. She lived a lovely and fun-filled 8 years, always making sure her family felt the love she had and I know she felt all the love right back. Unfortunately, our journey together was cut short by Cushing’s Disease but I will be forever grateful for the time we spent together my girl. She will be forever missed but never forgotten, and loved always.

Coco Beano

Coco Beano was born 16 years ago, she lived 7 years with her first family and then was brought into my life when we both needed eachother and lived her life out with me until the end. Coco had a courageously loud bark for the little lady she was, and she loved nothing more than a walk or car ride where she could run and bark to her content . She traveled all over the province and explored many trails with her Mum and friends. Coco also loved nothing more than a short 10 hour nap and would also eat her weight in treats if she could. Most people thought she was a little too spoiled, but her Mum loved nothing more than making her second life extra special. Coco Beano, my furry best friend, I love you forever and cannot wait for you to run into my arms at the golden gates. đź’›