
Keeping Companion Animals as Pets

Keeping Companion Animals as Pets


The Regina Humane Society (RHS) recognizes the legitimacy of the human/companion animal bond. It is the Society’s belief that the keeping of appropriate, carefully maintained pets benefits both humans and animals.

RHS believes that in an urban setting like the City of Regina, companion animals should be domesticated or domestic-bred animals whose physical, emotional, behavioral and social needs can be readily met as companions in the home, or in close daily relationship with humans.

The Regina Humane Society believes that responsible pet ownership encompasses the following:

  • Being a legal adult who is fully committed to humane, compassionate, lifelong care for their companion animals.
  • Conducting research about responsible pet ownership prior to making the decision to acquire a pet, including research in the specific species and breed of pet being considered and their particular temperament and care requirements.
  • Ensuring the pet is acquired through an ethical and responsible channel that does not source animals from “puppy or kitten mills” or other inhumane sources. Given the continued high levels of animal homelessness in the world, RHS believes the most humane source of a pet is a reputable animal shelter or rescue group.
  • Never keeping more pets than can be provided with the highest level of care. Care includes providing the pet for the duration of its life with appropriate nutrition, exercise, daily human attention, socialization, grooming, veterinary care and shelter from heat or cold.
  • Ensuring the pet is kept safe and secure, with humane confinement on the owner’s property and in the owner’s control when allowed to leave the property.
  • Ensuring pets have permanent identification, either a microchip or tattoo and that the information linking the pet to the owner is up-to-date and accurate. These forms of identification ensure the pet can be reunited with its owners in the event it gets lost. On average, cats and dogs experience one loss episode during their lifetime. Usually, such episodes occur when the pet is in the care of someone other than its usual owner so it is especially important the animal has contact information such as a cell phone number for its current caregiver attached to its collar.
  • Adhering to all applicable municipal by-laws including licensing, leashing and waste disposal.
  • Using positive reinforcement training methods and ensuring pets are well-socialized and receive appropriate training. (See Companion Animal Training Position Statement).
  • Should the pet owner no longer be able to care for the pet, returning it to the breeder where an agreement to do so is in place; re-homing it with a responsible family, or surrendering the pet to a reputable humane society or rescue organization.
  • Providing veterinary care throughout the lifetime of the pet to protect the well-being of the animal and its owners, including providing humane euthanasia should the animal be suffering or lose its quality of life due to illness, disability or old age.
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