
Board of Directors

Board of Directors

The Regina Humane Society is a non-profit registered charity governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. Directors are elected to the Board at the Annual General Meeting and when vacancies occur through the year, are appointed by the Board.

The role of the Board is to provide governance oversight for the Regina Humane Society (RHS). In all but exceptional circumstances, Directors are not expected to carry out a hands-on management role.

The Board of Directors hires the Executive Director who hires the Management Team to run the day-to-day shelter operations and implement the strategic plan. The RHS Board of Directors is a volunteer board and no member of the Board receives compensation to perform their Board role.

In addition to demonstrating a base of compassion for animals, the Board of Directors is actively recruited to bring a wide range of specific competencies and professional expertise to the organization.

They are elected to the Board at the annual general meeting and when vacancies occur throughout the year, are appointed by the Board.

President Chris Taschuk IT Executive and Entrepreneur, Retired
Vice-President Timothy F. Huber, K.C., B.A., J.D. Deputy Executive Director, Law Society of Saskatchewan
Treasurer Lou Beatch, CPA, CMA, CA Lou Beatch, CPA, Professional Corporation
Directors Patricia Warsaba, K.C. Lawyer, Retired
Kim Carroll, CPA, CMA Independent Consultant
Dr. Melissa Hunchak, DVM Veterinarian, Careport Animal Hospital
Steve Miller, B.Admin, PMP Human Resources, Health & Safety Manager, Degelman Industries
David Kim Jones, B.A.(Hon), M.A., LL.B Senior Crown Prosecutor, Saskatchewan Justice, Retired
Cathy Joyner, BHEc, MPA HR Professional, Retired
Jennifer Zalusky Medical/Surgical Sales Representative, Stryker Canada
Svetlana Cooney, MBA Digital/Marketing Professional, Sask Energy
Michelle Hunter Business Consultant
Terry Bachinski Project Manager, Retired

Governance Committee

Assists the Board of Directors and Management to fulfill its oversight responsibilities by reviewing all aspects of the Board’s governance framework to ensure that the Board functions in an effective and efficient manner that successfully supports the operations of the Regina Humane Society (RHS).

Board Committee Chair 
Chris Taschuk, P.Eng.

Board Committee Member
Vice President, Tim Huber, B.A., J.D.

Management Committee Member
Lisa Koch, B.Ed.


Audit and Finance Committee

Provides oversight of RHS accounting and financial reporting processes, systems of internal accounting and financial controls, risk management, investment policy and the audits of the Company’s financial statements.

Board Committee Chair
Treasurer, Lou Beatch, CPA, CA, CMA

Board Committee Members
Kim Carroll, CPA, CMA

External Committee Members
Brenda Johnson, CPA, CGA

Management Committee Members
Lisa Koch, B.Ed.
Sharon Swanson, CPA, CA


Human Resources Committee

Assists RHS by providing guidance and counsel first to the RHS management team, and secondly to the Board regarding human resources (HR) functions as they pertain to the day-to-day operations and strategy of the RHS respectively.

Board Committee Chair
Cathy Joyner, BHEc, MPA

Management Committee Members
Lisa Koch, B.Ed.

External Committee Members
Bobbie-Lee Zeiben, BA, CPHR
Cortnie Jacobson, B.Admin., CPHR
Donna Kane, B.Ed., CPHR, CEC
Dawn Anaquod, MHRM, BBA, CPHR, ACC
Deanna Milton, BAdmin, CPHR


Animal Advisory Committee

Reviews existing RHS position statements on issues pertaining to the treatment of animals and recommend revisions where appropriate; and further to broaden the scope of issues and develop position statements for review and approval by the Board of Directors.

Board Committee Chair
Kim Jones, B.A. (Honours), M.A., LLB

Board Committee Members
Gayl Hipperson
Jennifer Zaluksy

External Committee Member
Louise Yates, B. V/T Ed., M.B.A.

Management Committee Members
Lisa Koch, B.Ed.
Lindsay West, B.Sc.


RHS Management Team

Lisa Koch, B.Ed.
Executive Director

Bill Thorn
Director of Marketing and Public Relations

Lindsay West, B.Sc
Director of Operations

Dr. Katherine Ball, DVM, PhD
Director of Veterinary Care

Sharon Swanson, CPA, CA
Director of Finance and Administration

Karen Mercier, CFRE, B.Ed
Director of Philanthropy