
Sweet Week – FAQ

Click to download Frequently Asked Questions or see below.

When is RHS Sweet Week?

Sweet Week is officially taking place from April 20-26 throughout the city of Regina. The RHS will also be selling cupcakes at the Shelter on April 24. Please see a full list of participating businesses and Sweet Week dates on our website.

Are there prizes?

Yes! Register as an individual baker and you will receive one entry ballot for every $100 raised for the RHS. One lucky winner will take home a KitchenAid Artisan Mini Mixer donated by our friends at Canadian Tire South.

The top corporate/restaurant and top class fundraiser will each get a special visit from some of our furry friends!

Do I have to bake to support Sweet Week?

People choose to bake and host an event because it’s fun and tasty, plus it helps animals. But this is not the only way to support the event. You can donate or buy treats from other participants, or purchase cupcakes at the Shelter on Friday, April 24. The list of participating businesses and restaurants having sales available to the public can be found on our website.

Do I have to bake cupcakes?

Not at all. You can bake any kind of sweets you want including savory ones. Many people make pies, cakes and even doggie treats. The sky’s the limit!

What should the suggested donation amount be?

We suggest a minimum of $2 per cupcake or small treat, or what you think it is worth. You can leave it open ended and hope that donations are generous.

Can I hold Sweet Week at my workplace?

Yes! In fact, historically workplaces have raised the most funds for this event. Check out our Ideas page!

Can my kids fundraise?

There is no age limit and we encourage kids to get involved. Most kids connect with animals and want to make a difference. With your help you can guide them or get their school involved with the activities. Daycares can also have cupcake decorating during the day and sell them to the parents at pick up time.

Under CRA rules, participants who collect the donations cannot receive a tax receipt in their name.

How do I return funds that I raise?

We ask that all funds be submitted to the RHS by May 1, 2020. Participant amounts raised will be displayed on our website with the grand total.

Funds raised can be submitted: In person at the Shelter- We collect cash, debit, credit or cheque or send a cheque via mail (Our address is PO Box 3143, Regina, SK. S4P 3G7).

Still have questions? Call us at 306-543-6363 ext. 235.